An Introduction To Segways

An Introduction To Segways

Posted by Drew Hartman on 6th Dec 2018

Segways have changed, they are super accessible and available to the general public. Airwheel’s Segway models especially have garnered attention to their new products.

Nowadays Segways can be used for a variety of daily scenarios - For getting around in tours, working in a warehouse, security, event coordinators, or even walking the dog. All one must do is turn the machine on and step up. Just take hold of the handle and the machine will do the work based on how you adjust your balance. The self-balancing technology makes it easy to ride just by shifting the balance in the handle and your feet. Whether you are looking to use a Segway on a large private property, a warehouse, or for patrolling purposes, there is a machine right for you.

Get to know different Segways

Segway X2

The X2 is the original Segway and the one that most people associate with the brand. It is built with 21-inch rugged tread ideal for patrolling outdoors. Since they are so powerful, the range is limited to only 14-19 kilometers though. As well as this, all our carried Segways come with a display panel shows you everything you need to know; battery, mileage, speed, headlights indication, and more.
Vehicle weight: 90 lbs.

Segway i2

The i2 is the slightly watered down X2, but with much more real-world application. It has the same max speed as the i2 at 20 km/h, but can travel up to 26-39 kilometers before needing to recharge. The i2 has a normal tire tread so that it can be used indoors or outdoors effectively.
Vehicle weight: 80 lbs.

AirWheel S5

The Airwheel S5 is slightly comparable to the i2 but is a sleeker design. It can travel a further range of up to 50 kilometers and has a top speed of 18 kilometers an hour. The S5 has 16-inch wheels and is smaller than both Segway models.
Weight: 75 lbs.

AirWheel S3

The Airwheel S3 is the smaller version of the S5 with a compact and tight design. It has 14 inch wheels and can travel up to 18 km/h. It can travel an incredible range of up to 60 km making it a very viable travel option on flat surfaces.
Weight: 70 lbs.

Feel free to come in and try any of these segways in-store!

3070 Mainway, U#12, Burlington, ON L7M 3X1
M-F 10-6, Saturday 11-5
+1 888-407-4997